“People in the industry

helping people in the industry. ”

Member Companies

How We Help

At Cannabis Captive Group, we believe in the power of simplicity, ease, and community-driven solutions. Our mission is to provide the cannabis industry with alternative insurance services that are as straightforward as they are supportive.

We're more than just a provider; we're a partner in fostering a thriving, interconnected community where every member's success is our collective goal.

Together, we grow, protect, and strengthen the roots of our industry.

Captive insurance is a unique approach to managing risk, tailored specifically for communities like ours in the cannabis industry.

Essentially, it's like having your own private insurance company. Members of our group collectively own the insurance entity, allowing us to directly control our policies and premiums.

This means we can customize coverage to fit our specific needs, often at a lower cost than traditional insurance. It's a way for us to take charge of our risks, pool our resources, and support each other, ensuring that every member of our community is protected and empowered.

Our Mission

Member Owned
& Member Controlled

Unlike traditional insurance where policyholders have minimal influence over policy terms and claims settlements, captive insurance allows its members to tailor coverage to suit their specific needs, manage risks more effectively, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the group rather than external stakeholders. This level of autonomy and control not only leads to more personalized and responsive insurance solutions but also fosters a greater sense of accountability and alignment of interests among the members.

With Captive Cannabis Group, the funds typically allocated to external insurance premiums are instead channeled into your own insurance entity.

This innovative strategy not only provides tailored risk management but also turns a conventional cost center into an investment opportunity, allowing you to retain and potentially grow the funds you would otherwise relinquish to an outside insurer.

Embrace the changing tides of the cannabis industry with Captive Cannabis Group, where your security and growth go hand in hand.

In today’s litigious society, managing product liability risk is critical for the long-term success and sustainability of any cannabis related business. Captive insurance stands out as a robust and reliable risk management solution for cannabis companies seeking comprehensive coverage and control over their product liability exposures.

By customizing policies, bridging coverage gaps, facilitating proactive claims management, and promoting collaboration, captive insurance companies offer a level of protection and flexibility that traditional commercial insurance are incapable of providing. As cannabis related businesses continue to face evolving product liability challenges, captive insurance is poised to play an incredibly vital role in insuring their financial security and longevity.